This letter thing

is difficult.

I’ve been (honestly) counting down days until my commitment is over so I can have a break and not feel like I’m disappointing people. It has become a habit to write, which I love, but sometimes it feels like a habit I can’t afford to indulge.

And then, today, unexpectedly, I got some encouragement from an old friend.  She blogged here, and while reading that I started to cry. It felt like words I needed to hear; it felt like validation. It made me remember why I wanted to write daily in the first place and why it’s so important for me to love people well.

2013-03-19 21.07.23

I forgot momentarily about how all of our lives touch other lives, infinitely. We change everyone around us unconsciously, whether we like it or not.

I pray that I live my life well and fully and that I keep finding things that I love and that inspire me. I pray that people are put in my life like Tami, with the gift of encouragement at just the right moments. I pray that Tami realizes how important she is to me, and how much I love her.



One thought on “This letter thing

  1. “I forgot momentarily about how all of our lives touch other lives, infinitely. We change everyone around us unconsciously, whether we like it or not.”

    It’s crazy right? We have SOO much more influence on the world than we believe. I’m glad I could encourage you in the same way you encourage and inspire me. I love you a lot and even thought we don’t get to see each other often, you’re always on my mind!

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